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MCUL Metro East Chapter
District VI
Michigan Credit Union League
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April 10, 2008

The Annual Meeting of the METROEAST CHAPTER OF CREDIT UNIONS was called to order by Chairperson Roger A. Quitter at 7:25 pm on April 10, 2008 at the Fern Hill Golf Club, Clinton Twp., MI.

Roll Call: 

Secretary James C. Safian conducted a roll call of the credit unions represented.  The following credit unions were represented:


 ARC  Central Macomb Community 
 Christian Financial  E & A
 Michigan Schools and Government  LEO XIII KC
 Motor City Co-op  Belle River
 Premier Financial  Tandem Federal
 St. Cletus Parish  

A quorum of credit unions was declared present, totaling 66 member credit union individuals. Also, the MCUL/CuCorp and CUVillage were represented with 3 individuals.

Approval of Previous Annual Meeting Minutes:
The minutes of the previous Annual Meeting held on April 04, 2007 were distributed and approved on a motion by Michael Deyak and supported by Fran Pierce.

The Nominating Committee consisted of Gary Sylvester, Chairperson ( Leo XIII) and members James Safian from Premier Financial and James Shereda from ARC.

Election Results:

Executive Committee:
Nominations Chairperson Gary Sylvester advised members that;

Drema Isaac, President/CEO, Central Macomb Community
Gail Hernalsteen, Marketing Mgr., Motor City Co-op
Vicky McIntosh, President/CEO, Belle River
Lisa Pionk, COO-Michigan Schools & Government
Michele Myrick, Vice- President, E & A
Patty Campbell. Exec.-VP, Christian Financial

are all candidates for the six, two-year term, executive committee positions.  All candidates had previously accepted their nominations.   Gary Sylvester asked for additional nominations from the floor three times.   No new nomination was made.  A motion to close the nominations for the executive committee was made by Kevin Reilly and supported by Jan Rose.  Motion carried.   All six candidates were elected to the executive committee by acclamation.

Delegates to the MCUL AC & E:
Nominating Committee Chairperson, Gary Sylvester, advised the members that;

Lisa Pionk, COO, Michigan Schools & Government
Gary Sylvester, President/CEO, Leo XIII
Drema Isaac, President/CEO, Central Macomb Community

are all candidates for three, one-year term, Delegate positions.  All candidates had previously accepted their nominations.   Gary Sylvester asked for additional nominations from the floor three times.   No new nomination was made.  A motion to close the nominations for the Delegates was made by Fran Pierce and supported by Heather Bade.  Motion carried.   All three candidates were elected as Delegates to the MCUL AC & E by acclamation.

Alternate Delegate to the MCUL AC & E:
Nominating Committee Member, Gary Sylvester, advised the members that there is a vacancy for this position.  No new nominations were made.  The position will be appointed at a latter date by the Executive Committee.

Committee Reports:

Roger Quitter presented an extensive overview of Chapter functions, committees and events.
An outline of the discussion topics is attached to these minutes and marked as Attachment A.

Crystal Gracz, Charity Committee Chairperson, gave an overview of the Committees purpose statement and reviewed 2007 events and results. In 2007, $31,596 was raised for our 5 selected charities. A review of the 2008 planned events was also presented.
Old Business:

No old business

New Business:

No New Business

Roger Quitter introduced the guest speaker, Mr. Tim Skubick, who gave an entertaining update on the Michigan Economy and Political Environment.

The Annual Meeting was adjourned at 8:32 pm on a motion made by Patty Campbell and seconded by David Brandt. Motion carried.  

_____________________________                   _____________________________
Roger A. Quitter, Chairperson                           James C. Safian, Secretary

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