The regular meeting of the CHARITY COMMITTEE of the METRO EAST CHAPTER OF CREDIT UNIONS was called to order by Chairperson Crystal Gracz at 9:07 a.m. on August 18, 2009 at Motor City Co-op Credit Union, Clinton Township, MI.
Crystal Gracz, Gail Hernalsteen, Laura Beauregard, Kathi Sitek, Kathy Figgs & Ronnie Johnson
Motion made by Kathy Figgs and seconded by Laura Beauregard to approve the minutes of June 2, 2009 meeting as is. Motion carried.
Relay for Life-Laura reported the Sterling Heights event’s numbers were down this year. The site raised $58,700; Metro East Chapter Credit Unions raised $2,751.12. Committee discussed serving the survivors’ lunch was a more feasible task then supporting a Team Camp for 24 hours. Committee will consider 2010 participation at the upcoming planning session.
Project Education – Homeless Children & Youth - Crystal Gracz reported that the charity for July & August will end August 28th so donations and funds are available for MISD to disburse to the students. Crystal will be updating the committee regarding if the cash donations need to be converted to supplies or gift cards. Also, information on where and when to drop off supplies/or checks will be forthcoming.
Committee Changes-Kate Peters from Belle River Community Credit Union has resigned her position from the Credit Union and also from the committee. The committee welcomes Ronnie Johnson from Detroit Metropolitan Credit Union.
Phone Home for the Holidays-Crystal Gracz will be the lead on this charity. The Chapter will support this charity for the months of September & October. At this point it is unclear if the program is still ongoing. Crystal will contact Selfridge AFB and update the committee. If there is not a need, the committee made a motion to support Goodwill Industries of Greater Detroit-Pay it Forward program for these months.
Also, 2010 Planning Session is Tuesday, November 10, 2009-Motor City Co-op Credit Union at 9 am.
Motion was made by Laura Beauregard and seconded by Ronnie Johnson to adjourn this meeting at 10:10 a.m. Motion carried.