June 26, 2012
The regular meeting of the CHARITY COMMITTEE of the METRO EAST CHAPTER OF CREDIT UNIONS was called to order by Chairperson Crystal Gracz at 9:05a.m. on June 26, 2012 at Motor City Co-op Credit Union.
COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Crystal Gracz, Gail Hernalsteen, Julie Swidwinski, Antoinette Funke, and Kathi Sitek.
COMMITTEE MEMBERS EXCUSED: Becky Reini, Mandy Lathrop, Ronnie Johnson, Jessica Johnson, and Heather Nelson.
GUEST PRESENT: Karen Urquhart, Macomb County DHS
PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES: Motion made by Gail Hernalsteen and supported by Julie Swidwinski to approve the minutes of April 19, 2012, meeting as is. Motion carried.
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: No updates or information to report from the Executive Committee.
Race for the Cure – Kathy Sitek is the lead for the Race for the Cure. All checks will be mailed to Kathy the first week of July and made payable to “Metro East Chapter”. Kathi needs to forward the funds a little sooner than anticipated in order for the numbers to count for this year. If you have collected and not already done so, please get your checks sent to her.
ABD Federal CU
C/O Kathi Sitek
27850 Mound Road
Warren, MI 48092
Department of Human Services – Julie Swidwinski is the lead for this charity for our July-August campaign. Funds and supplies will be collected from July 1st – August 31st. All supplies will need to be delivered to Julie by August 22nd, if you are not able to deliver the supplies, please get all items collected to one location and then notify Julie so she can arrange a time for pickup. All other donations made after August 22nd will be given to Julie at our meeting September 27, 2012, which will then be taken to DHS to be used for similar programs later in the year. Supplies must be separated into categories and labled, for example, “pencils/pens/markers”, etc. This will help out when the supplies are all brought together and sorted for delivery.
Karen Urquhart is our representative from Macomb County DHS. She passed out brochures and provided in depth information about what they do and different fundraisers that they are charged with throughout the entire year. Materials will be forwarded in a pdf format for campaign use. Should cash donations be collected, checks should be mailed to Julie Swidwinski or delivered by August 22, 2012. Please make the checks payable to “Metro East Chapter”.
Michigan Schools & Government Credit Union
C/O Julie Swidwinski
40400 Garfield Road
Clinton Township, MI 48038
ELECTIONS: None to be reported.
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, September 27, 2012 at Michigan Schools and Government Credit Union at 9:00 a.m.
Motion was made by Kathi Sitek and supported by Gail Hernalsteen to adjourn the meeting at 10:20 a.m. Motion carried.
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Crystal Gracz, Chairperson Antoinette Funke, Secretary