April 22, 2010
The regular meeting of the CHARITY COMMITTEE of the METRO EAST CHAPTER OF CREDIT UNIONS was called to order by Chairperson Crystal Gracz at 9:10 a.m. on April 22, 2010 at Christian Financial Credit Union-Roseville, MI
Crystal Gracz, Gail Hernalsteen, Kathi Sitek, Kathy Figgs, Antoinette Funke, Ronnie Johnson, Becky Reini, Jenny Bulgrien, & Laura Beauregard.
COMMITTEE MEMBERS EXCUSED: Aaron Smith and Jessica Johnson.
Motion made by Gail Hernalsteen and supported by Kathy Figgs to approve the minutes of February 16, 2010 meeting as is. Motion carried.
Crystal Gracz attended the Chapter’s Executive Committee meeting and reported that the Chairman, Drema Isaac updated the attendees on the accomplishments and funds raised by the Charity Committee in 2009.
Goodwill Industries-Pay it 4ward - Ronnie Johnson, sent the check to Pay it 4ward. The goal was met of $2500.00. The Metro Chapter did receive a letter of thanks from Lorna Utley, President/CEO for our donation.
March of Dimes- Gail reported that we are all set for the event at Metro Beach and Port Huron on Sunday, April 25, 2010. A lot of volunteers have been scheduled to help out through out the event in different time slots. Gail ordered the gift bags to hand out at the check points, and was able to get two high school students to help out with assembling the bags. The focus will conclude on April 30th. All checks should be mailed by Monday, May 3,2010 to:
Motor City Co-op Credit Union
C/O Gail Hernalsteen
37321 Garfield
Clinton Township, MI 48036
Relay for Life - Laura Beauregard asked for volunteers for cash counting at the Bank Night of June 10, 2010. This will be held at the American Polish Club at 14 Mile and Hoover. Donations will be collected from May 1st thru June 30th. Stars and Moons were provided to all attendees to be sold by all participating credit unions. Laura will also inquire about what we can do to help at the Relay for Life to get our presence out there. $450 had been set aside for this charity. An agreement was made to $250 to have “Metro East Chapter of Credit Unions” printed on the back of the T-shirts for the event. The additional $200 will be used to create two to three gift baskets for the silent auction. Gail Hernalsteen and Kathy Figgs will be handling this portion.
MISD – The committee received an invitation for attendance at the Donor Thank You Luncheon from the Macomb Intermediate School District for our participation in the MISD Education Project for Homeless Children & Youth in 2009. The luncheon will take place on Wednesday, May 12th from 12:00 – 1:00 ad the MISD building in Clinton Township. Any committee members interested in attending should notify Crystal Gracz by Friday, April 30th.
MCUL - Gail Hernalsteen is going to contact the league to inquire about having someone come to a future meeting as a guest to give us insight on reporting charitable donations not only from the committee but individual charitable focuses that our credit unions may be involved in.
RMH – The Ronald McDonald House is the July – August focus for the committee. Kathy Figgs will be getting in touch with a contact to get prepared for the event.
None to be reported
Thursday, June 17, 2010 at Detroit Metropolitan Credit Union at 9 a.m.
Motion was made by Antoinette Funke and supported by Kathy Figgs to adjourn the meeting at 10:41 a.m. Motion carried.
______________________________ _________________________________
Crystal Gracz, Chairperson Antoinette Funke, Secretary