April 22, 2008
The regular meeting of the CHARITY COMMITTEE of the METRO EAST CHAPTER OF CREDIT UNIONS was called to order by Chairperson Crystal Gracz at 8:37 a.m. on April 22, 2008 at Motor City Co-op Credit Union, Clinton Township, MI.
Crystal Gracz, Aaron Smith, Gail Hernalsteen, Kathy Figgs, Becky Reini, Jenny Bulgrien, and Laura Beauregard.
Shirley Dolecki & Barb Pitlik
Motion made by Aaron Smith and seconded by Laura Beauregard approve the minutes of March 18, 2008 meeting.Motion carried.
March of Dimes-Gail Hernalsteen shared details for March of Dimes-March for Babies on Sunday, 4-27-08 at Metro Beach. Packets were handed out to volunteers and decorations, handouts and banner were given to Jenny Bulgrien for the Port Huron check point. Becky will be taking care of the Credit Unions totals in terms of cut outs for the pizza or breakfast party compliments of March of Dimes for the winning team.Bank Day is April 22, 2008 at MISD 11 am to 2 pm.Teams should mail any additional funds to Stephanie Shelters at March of Dimes May 1, 2008.
Relay for Life-Laura Beauregard reported on Relay for Life (RFL) June 7 & 8 at Sterling Heights High School. Schedule of Activities were passed out and the committee decided that one member should be present at all times during the 24 hours.Following are the assigned times:
June 7….10 am to 3 pm-Crystal Gracz
June 7….4 pm to 8 pm- Kathy Figgs
June 7….9 pm to June 8…1 am- Gail Hernalsteen
June 8….2 am to 6 am –Aaron Smith
June 8….7 am to 10 am- Still needs committee member represented
Committee members will assist with set up and clean up of “camp”. Aaron will bring a tent. Kathy will bring a sleeping tent, cooler and chairs. Gail will bring tables, banner and patriotic items. Crystal will bring “game wheel” for onsite fundraising and will include 5 different colors for prizes and 1 winner section on wheel.Gail will purchase prizes and decorations with $400 donated by Credit Unions on the committee.Each Credit Union should send their check to Gail by April 25, 2008.Beach items will be purchased for the morning games and glow items for the evening games. Super Heroes is the location theme; it was decided that Super Scooby is Metro East Chapter’s super hero.Aaron’s brother-in-law will come in costume for the 1 pm scheduled activity.Aaron Gierak from CMCCU will be “Mr. Relay” during that scheduled activity. Credit Unions can sell cut outs and luminary bags for fund-raising.Laura will get them to the Credit Unions by May 1st and send committee members the link for online registration.Jenny reported that Port Huron area is having there own RFL on May 31st & June 1st.They already have their teams and fund raising in order.
Habitat for Humanity –Kathy Figgs requested that July & August should be the months for this charity and move Phone Home for the Holidays in September.Discussion and a decision were made by the committee to allocate 2 months (July& August) for Habitat for Humanity, and 3 months (September, October & November) for Phone Home for the Holidays.The build site is in Clinton Township and the basement has been poured.Building will start in May.Kathy is checking the building schedule to determine when the Credit Union’s volunteers can work on the site.
Crystal reviewed details of MISD Thank You luncheon for volunteers May 8th.Four committee members and a guest will be attending; Crystal, Kathy, Becky, Gail and Bertrina (Motor City Co-op Credit Union employee).
8:30 a.m., May 20, 2008, at Motor City Co-op Credit Union.
Motion was made by Laura Beauregard and seconded by Kathy Figgs to adjourn this meeting at 10:07 a.m.Motion carried.
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Crystal Gracz, Chairperson Shirley Dolecki, Secretary/GH