February 16, 2010
The regular meeting of the CHARITY COMMITTEE of the METRO EAST CHAPTER OF CREDIT UNIONS was called to order by Chairperson Crystal Gracz at 9:18 a.m. on February 16, 2010 at Central Macomb Community Credit Union-Warren, MI
Crystal Gracz, Gail Hernalsteen, Aaron Smith, Kathi Sitek, Kathy Figgs, Antoinette Funke & Ronnie Johnson.
COMMITTEE MEMBERS EXCUSED: Becky Reini, Jenny Bulgrien, Laura Beauregard & Jessica Johnson.
Stephanie Shelters, March of Dimes Representative
Motion made by Kathy Figgs and supported by Ronnie Johnson to approve the minutes of November 12, 2009 meeting as is. Motion carried.
Crystal Gracz attended the Chapter’s Executive Committee meeting and reported that the Executive Committee has increase allotted funds to the Charity Committee to $7500. Each committee must have elections of Chairperson and Secretary positions and report them back to the Executive Committee by May’s meeting. The Executive Committee also requested more PR on charities and chapter involvement. PR should reflect all of the Credit Unions involved.
Goodwill Industries-Pay it 4ward- Ronnie Johnson, the current charity lead reported on the status of Pay it 4ward. Credit Unions should continue to support this charity until February 28, 2010. Checks should be made payable to Detroit Metropolitan Credit Union and sent to Ronnie Johnson’s attention at 1480 E. Jefferson, Detroit, MI 48207 by March 1, 2010.
Recap of 2009 Charities- Gail Hernalsteen reported the 2009 Charity totals and comparison to 2008 totals. Eastside Family Credit Union will be added for 2010.
March of Dimes- Stephanie Shelters gave a presentation on the 2010 March for Babies. Team captain packets were reviewed in regards to fund raising, collecting donations and team building. All Metro East Charity Committee and Executive Committee Members are invited to attend the Golden Mile Executive Breakfast at The Detroit Athletic Club on Tuesday, March 9, 2010. Charity Committee members who would like to car pool should meet at Central Macomb Community Credit Union’s Warren location at 8:00 a.m. that morning. Also, the committee is invited to Bands for Babies on Saturday, February 21, 2010 at Hardrock Café in Detroit. Volunteers are needed to sell raffle tickets and host the front door.
Gail Hernalsteen reported on the March for Babies checkpoints at Metro Beach and Port Huron on Sunday, April 25, 2010. Volunteers will be needed at the Metro Beach location and an email will be sent to the committee at a later date. Jenny Bulgrien will coordinate the Port Huron checkpoint with E&A Credit Union employees. Gail made the suggestion that the chapter purchase “give-away” bags and have them pre-filled with patriotic items. The bags would be imprinted with participating “Local Credit Unions” and the website. The committee agreed that it would help control the inventory needed for 2500+ walkers. Gail also made a motion to set Chapter’s 2010 goal of $15,000. Seconded by Ronnie Johnson, motion carried.
Gail Hernalsteen will also set up links on the chapter website to March of Dimes for online sign-up and donations. The chapter notice will go out through MCUL by end of month.
Ronald McDonald House- Gail Hernalsteen provided the committee with information regarding collection of pull tabs. “Collection Houses” were distributed for viewing in preparation of the charity later this summer. Additional houses can be obtained by calling RMH 313-745-5909.
Additional Charity Funds- Gail Hernalsteen suggested that a minimum contribution of $2500 to any Chapter Charity should be made. Charity Committee will review each final total donation to determine if there are adequate funds to cover the difference and any future charities’ needs. Motion made by Kathy Figgs and seconded by Ronnie Johnson. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Gail Hernalsteen to retain Crystal Gracz as Chairman of the Charity Committee; seconded by Antoinette Funke. Motion carried and Crystal Gracz accepted the position.
A motion was made by Ronnie Johnson to elect Antoinette Funke as Charity Committee Secretary; seconded by Aaron Smith and applauded with enthusiasm by Gail Hernalsteen. Motion carried and Antoinette Funke accepted the position.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010 at Central Macomb Community Credit Union at 9 a.m.
Motion was made by Aaron Smith and supported by Ronnie Johnson to adjourn this meeting at 10:55 a.m. Motion carried.
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Crystal Gracz, Chairperson Gail Hernalsteen, Interim Secretary