February 10, 2011
The regular meeting of the CHARITY COMMITTEE of the METRO EAST CHAPTER OF CREDIT UNIONS was called to order by Chairperson Crystal Gracz at 9:10 a.m. on February 10, 2011 at Motor City Co-op Credit Union.
COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Crystal Gracz, Gail Hernalsteen, Antoinette Funke, Becky Reini, Julie Swidwinski, Jessica Johnson, Kathi Sitek and Mandy Lathrop.
COMMITTEE MEMBERS EXCUSED: Aaron Smith and Jenny Bulgrien
GUEST PRESENT: Barbara Bennage from March of Dimes
PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES: Motion made by Gail Hernalsteen and supported by Becky Reini to approve the minutes of December 16, 2010 meeting as is. Motion carried.
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: No updates or information to report from the Executive Committee.
Turning Point – Antoinette will be emailing everyone the volunteer application for those wishing to do volunteer work at the Second Hand Rose shop. It is undetermined if we will be working a weekend or weekday. It all depends on how many volunteers we receive. Please make checks payable to Turning Point and mailed to:
Eastside Family Federal Credit Union
16345 E. Nine Mile Road
Eastpointe, MI 48022
ATTN: Antoinette Funke
Metro East Committee Shirts – Crystal will be taking over the task of getting shirts for the Committee members that currently do not have a logo shirt. Orders were taken at the meeting. Crystal will contact QMI to address size issues with the original order. Once resolved an additional order will be placed.
Website – It is still recommended for everyone on the committee to check out the website so we are all able to assist if anyone has questions. Julie Swidwinski has volunteered to monitor and keep the website updated.NEW BUSINESS:
Notification was received by the Chairman that Kathy Figgs has resigned from the committee. We appreciate her time and dedication to our committee. We wish her the best in her new position at Christian Financial!
March of Dimes – Gail Hernalsteen is the lead and contact for March of Dimes and in charge of the Metro Beach check point. Jenny Bulgrien is in charge of the Port Huron check point. Jessica Johnson from Belle River felt their credit union would support the Port Huron site and offered to assist. Ronnie Johnson is in charge of Detroit’s check point. Kathi Sitek along with the employees at her Detroit branch will also be joining those efforts. The walk will be held on Sunday, May 1, 2011. It was decided by the committee that passing out the credit union logo bags would be advantageous again this year. Gail will arrange volunteers to stuff the bags just before the event as well as update the participating credit union listed. Funds will be collected from March 1st until April 30th and checks should be mailed to Gail by May 6, 2011 to:
Motor City Co-op Credit Union
C/O Gail Hernalsteen
37321 Garfield
Clinton Township, MI 48036
Barbara Bennage is our new representative this year from March of Dimes and attended the meeting as our guest. In addition to bringing supplies she will also be attending our Employee Appreciation night and will be selling beanie babies to support the cause.
The Golden Mile Executive Breakfast is scheduled for Tuesday, March 8, 2011at the Detroit Athletic Club. This annual event kicks off the Metro Detroit March for Babies campaign and will be emceed by Paul Smith of News/Talk Radio 760 WJR. The event begins at 8:45 with a Continental Breakfast. All members of the charity committee and their CEO’s are encouraged to attend. RSVP’s must be received on or before March 1, 2011.
New committee member – The committee welcomed Mandy Lathrop as a new committee member. She has been with Christian Financial for nine years. She is very excited to be with us and we look forward to her ideas and contribution to the committee.
None to be reported.NEXT MEETING:
Thursday, April 21, 2011 at Motor City Co-op Credit Union at 9:00 a.m.
Motion was made by Gail Hernalsteen and supported by Becky Reini to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 a.m. Motion carried.
______________________________ _________________________________
Crystal Gracz, Chairperson Antoinette Funke, Secretary
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