October 21, 2008
The regular meeting of the CHARITY COMMITTEE of the METRO EAST CHAPTER OF CREDIT UNIONS was called to order by Chairperson Crystal Gracz at 8:45 a.m. on October 21, 2008 at Motor City Co-op Credit Union, Clinton Township, MI.
Crystal Gracz, Aaron Smith, Gail Hernalsteen, Kathy Figgs, Laura Beauregard, Barb Pitlik & Jenny Bulgrien.
Motion made by Gail Hernalsteen and seconded by Aaron Smith to approve the minutes of August 26, 2008 meeting. Motion carried.
Year to Date Totals-Kathy Figgs reported the totals for each charity: Crohns & Colitis Foundation $2727.76, March of Dimes $13,493.25, Relay for Life $9087.99 and Habitat for Humanity $1991.39. The year to date chapter total is $27,300.39
Habitat for Humanity –Kathy Figgs reported the total for this charity is $1991.39. The decision to choose this charity was that employees/individuals could become involved in the building of the house. Since that was not possible, the committee believes there was a lack of “buy in” and the low totals reflect it. Also, there was not a main contact available for us which made it difficult to coordinate this charity.
Phone Home for the Holidays - Crystal Gracz reported the cut off date is November 5, 2008 for all donations. This will allow the Morale, Welfare & Recreation (MWR) enough time to purchase and shipped the pre-paid cards overseas. The cards will be shipped to various Army Divisions throughout Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait for Thanksgiving, Christmas and Hanukah holidays. Checks should be made payable to: CMCCU Phone Home Fund and mailed to: CMCCU, Attn: Crystal Gracz, 5504 Twelve Mile Road, Warren, MI 48092.
Secretary Position- Crystal Gracz requested a permanent replacement for the secretary’s position. Gail Hernalsteen had taken on the position as a temporary replacement since the resignation of Shirley Dolecki. There were no volunteers at the meeting. Kathy Figgs will ask Becky Reini to take on that position.
Leave of Absence-Barb Pitlik informed the committee that she will be taking a leave of absence from the committee due to obligations at her Credit Union.
Press Release-Jenny Bulgrien prepared and presented the Press Release highlighting the Charity Committee’s totals year to date. Various publications will receive the Press Release including MCUL Monitor.
2009 Charities-Charities for 2009 were discussed and decided:
January/February-Kids on the Go-Kathy Figgs
March/April-March of Dimes –Gail Hernalsteen
May/June-Relay for Life (Survivor Lunch)-Laura Beauregard
July/August-No Homeless Student Left Behind-All Committee Members
September/October-Phone Home for the Holidays-Crystal Gracz
November-Senior Program to be decided at a later date – Research being conducted by Aaron Smith
December-Individual Credit Union choice
Committee members are to write a brief description of their charity and forward to Gail Hernalsteen by October 31st. Crystal and Gail will work together to combine the details for all the charities and present the 2009 Proposed Plan to Metro East Executive Board on November 6, 2008 for funding. Gail Hernalsteen will also provide a complete list of charities and description for the chapter’s Holiday Luncheon December 4, 2008. Jenny Bulgrien will prepare the “Blast” Notice through MCUL.
March of Dimes-Gail Hernalsteen discussed the 2008 March of Dimes Volunteer Awards at Uptown Palladium in Birmingham November 19th. Dinner will be served at 6 pm, awards program at 7 pm and movie at 8:45 pm. Committee members with guests attending are Gail Hernalsteen, Kathy Figgs and Aaron Smith. Laura Beauregard and Crystal Gracz will confirm or decline at a later date.
February 10, 2009-Motor City Co-op Credit Union at 8:30 a.m.
Motion was made by Kathy Figgs and seconded by Laura Beauregard to adjourn this meeting at 10:20 a.m. Motion carried.
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Crystal Gracz, Chairperson Gail Hernalsteen, Unofficial Secretary