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MCUL Metro East Chapter
District VI
Michigan Credit Union League
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March 3, 2011

Meeting was called to order by Jim Safian at 9:04 am at Christian Financial Credit Union

Fran Pierce, Vicki McIntosh, Carolyn Edwards, Marty Winiarski, Gail Hernalsteen, Patty Campbell, Jim Safian, Kathie Trembath and Jim Shereda

Guest Present:
Ron Martin and Donna Siejutt

Marty made a motion and Gail seconded to approve the minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting held on February 3, 2011.

Fran presented Treasurers report.  Motion was made by Marty and seconded by Gail.

Donna presented Program & Events report.  Bingo is on March 8 at the Vintage House.

The Governmental & Political Report was presented by Patty.  They need additional members for MIGAC.  Legislative breakfast is March 21, 2011 at MSGCU.

Laura presented CU Difference Campaign report.  Contributions are needed.  Out of 41 credit unions, only 10 have given.  Next meeting is March 22, 2011.

MCUL Representative Report presented by Ron Martin.  BSA Training in Battle Creek March 24, 2011.

Melissa Osborn replaced Carolyn Harden in the Government Affairs Administrative Assistant.

Galina Britton resigned her position of Economics & Research Manager effective February 25, 2011.

MCUL is offering CUSG shares at a price of $3,650.

Gail Hernalsteen presented the Charity Committee report.  They need volunteers for Turning Point.

March of Dimes – kickoff breakfast at the DAC.

March of Dimes will have 3 checkpoints this year:  Detroit, Metropolitan Beach and

No Chairmans Report:

No Old Business:

New Business:

Make a donation as a chapter to Children’s Miracle Network.  Patty will take care of Tigers Basket which is due by April 25, 2011.  The limit is $500.  Kathy made motion, seconded by Gail.
Next meeting April 7, 2011 at the Gazebo at 4:30p.m. followed by the Annual Meeting.

Fran made a motion to adjourn, Marty seconded.

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